Saturday, August 31, 2013

August Top 5

Summer is over. At least in the publishing world we've had our last summer Friday and tomororw is September. Usually August is a sad reading month for me, because it's generally a moving month. But I'm still in New York and I have no plans to move out of here anytime soon (except to a new apartment at the end of September, which I'm so excited about!). So this August has actually been an awesome month for reading and looking back...wowza. I feel like I've read some heavy hitters lately. Although I think it just feels important when you read a book that you know will be a favorite for the rest of your life. So let's start with that book on my August top five.

1. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
I've already written a crazy long post about my love for this book. So all I'm going to say here is - this one has joined the ranks of my favorite books of all time. It's perfection. You can read all about how much I love it here

2. A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers
Still sorting through the craziness that happened in this book. I'm thinking this is a story that has a lot of things that probably shouldn't work, but Lisa Desrochers totally pulls it off. It's spectacular. This is definitely a great new adult novel that I highly recommend. 

3. Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert
Some moments of this book are hard to read, as there are some intense incidents of domestic abuse. Still, you have to admire how Juliana doesn't hold back and gives you every high emotional point of this amazing story. Plus, there's a hot Brazilian polo player to the rescue. This is another great NA novel to definitely put on your TBRs.

4. Fire with Fire by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian
Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivan win for epic last lines. This is an awesome sequel that left my mind blown. If you haven't started this series, I highly recommend it. You can read my full review here

5.  Crown of Embers by Rae Carson
This is another epic sequel that I read this month. I know it came out about a year ago and I can hardly believe it took me this long to get to it. But now I can move right on to The Bitter Kingdom. So it all works out. This is one of my favorite YA fantasy series that just keeps getting better as the words keep coming. Also - Hector is totally dreamy. Check out my review here

What were your top reads this month?

Friday, August 30, 2013

Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell

Synopsis: Cath is a Simon Snow fan.
Okay, the whole world is a Simon Snow fan . . .
But for Cath, being a fan is her life — and she’s really good at it. She and her twin sister, Wren, ensconced themselves in the Simon Snow series when they were just kids; it’s what got them through their mother leaving.
Reading. Rereading. Hanging out in Simon Snow forums, writing Simon Snow fan fiction, dressing up like the characters for every movie premiere.
Cath’s sister has mostly grown away from fandom, but Cath can’t let go. She doesn’t want to.
Now that they’re going to college, Wren has told Cath she doesn’t want to be roommates. Cath is on her own, completely outside of her comfort zone. She’s got a surly roommate with a charming, always-around boyfriend, a fiction-writing professor who thinks fan fiction is the end of the civilized world, a handsome classmate who only wants to talk about words . . . And she can’t stop worrying about her dad, who’s loving and fragile and has never really been alone.
For Cath, the question is: Can she do this?
Can she make it without Wren holding her hand? Is she ready to start living her own life? Writing her own stories?
And does she even want to move on if it means leaving Simon Snow behind?


This book is so perfect I cried. Literally. Sob crying. In public. Because it just radiates awesome.
I’ve built my life with books, with words and stories. I’m built of fabulous books that I’ll never remember, there are bad ones I can’t forget, there are books that were so mundane I hardly know if I read them or not. But there are some books, like Fangirl, that just remind me why I’ve chosen to sculpt my identity through the stories of others.  Cath is a character I want to fold into myself, along with the handful of characters in my reading history that I’ll forever carry with me. Fangirl almost acts as a best friend I didn’t know I couldn’t live without until she came along.
In Eleanor and Park, Rainbow Rowell played on the nostalgia of first love and life with cassette tapes. In Fangirl, I was nostalgic for entirely different reasons. The way I read Fangirl reminded me of the way I read first book I can remember loving. I got a copy and immediately avoided as much social interaction as much as possible, took a longer lunch, hoped for longer commute time, begged exhaustion to go home, then stayed up way too late all to keep reading this book.  And of course it played on my own fangirl nostalgia. When my mom came home with a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone because she heard it was big in England and she read a chapter out loud to my brother and I, my whole life changed. I’d be a totally different person now if I hadn’t grown up with Harry. So while I’ve never written or really read much fan fiction, I completely know what it’s like to be so entwined with a fantasy world it because easier to live there than face the real world.
Cath is a perfectly and beautifully crafted character. Her quirks made her vibrant and her awkwardness was completely endearing. Nothing about her felt forced or made up. She’s so real, she could have been me. Cath has some issues with trying new things and I totally relate to the anxiety of being the only one who doesn’t really know what’s going on. I get what it’s like to prefer staying in and writing (or reading) over venturing out and meeting people. But Cath grows so much and overcomes the things that hold her back. She still manages to be herself – she just becomes a more awesome version of herself.
Since Cath doesn’t venture out often, the people in her life are the ones she happens to be thrown with – her twin sister (who has some issues of her own), her dad (who seems to spend a lot of time off his rocker), her roommate (a great girl with a sharp edge), her writing teacher (sigh, wish my writing teachers had been so understanding about deadlines), and Nick (ok, how awesome does it sound to have a hot dude who wants to write stories with you??). Then there’s Levi, her roommate’s high school boyfriend. The way he and Cath fall for each other is just so slow and sweet and beautiful. They’re awkward and endearing and, can I use the word perfect again? They’re perfect. He shows up even when he doesn’t have to and he lets Cath be who she is – he comes into her world and she lets him.
Which brings me to my crying episode. There is nothing sad in this book – at least not enough to actually warrant tears. But somehow this book got me anyway. I was reading on the train and I was reading the most perfect scene (if you really want to know which one it is, I’ll tell you, but I’m not going to spoil things here) and the whole book just seemed to build to this moment and I started sobbing. With actual chest heaving and fat tears on a relatively crowded subway car. And I didn’t even care. This book deserves my tears, my heart, and anything else I can possibly give back to it.
This book is a tribute to anyone who’s ever loved something, really. We all know what it’s like to throw your life into something and I think the wonderful thing that comes from Cath is the empowerment to own that and to not let anyone ever, ever make you feel like it doesn’t matter. If you stay true to what you love, the right people will still be there for you and your life is going to work out the way it’s supposed to – the way that makes you happy. That’s not to say you don’t have to grow and you can just stay in your room all the time – you should definitely go outside your comfort zone and experience new things – but, it’s okay to own who you are.
Fangirl is an instant all-time favorite for me. I know I’ll be reading this book again and will cherish it for years to come. Well done, Rainbow. If a book can be perfect, it’s this one.

Cover Reveal: Forty Nights by Stephanie Parent

Forty Nights (Neima's Ark #2)
Release Date: September 2013
Cover Designed by: 
Najla Qamber Designs

Summary from Goodreads:
Neima, her family, and her grandfather Noah have found themselves trapped aboard an ark as a great flood destroys all life in the world. As their time aboard the ark lengthens, food begins to run out, wild animals grow restless, and family tensions become as much of a threat as the flood outside. In the second and final installment of Neima’s Ark, the stakes are higher, the conflicts are greater, and Neima finds herself facing a choice as impossible as the destruction all around her.

Forty Nights is a continuation of the story begun in Forty Days, and it’s recommended that you read Forty Days first for the best experience. Forty Nights does, however, contain a character guide to refresh readers’ memories. The Neima’s Ark series is a historical, feminist reimagining of the story of Noah’s Ark rather than a religiously oriented one, and the novels are best suited for readers who are comfortable with new interpretations of biblical stories.

Book One:
(Linked to Goodreads)
Forty Days is currently FREE!  Get your copy!
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About the Author
Stephanie Parent is a graduate of the Master of Professional Writing program at USC and attended the Baltimore School for the Arts as a piano major. She moved to Los Angeles because of Francesca Lia Block's WEETZIE BAT books, which might give you some idea of how much books mean to her. She also loves dogs, books about dogs, and sugary coffee drinks both hot and cold.
***Author Links***
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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Frozen - Melissa de la Cruz & Michael Johnston

::Post by Jackie Lindert::

Synopsis: Welcome to New Vegas, a city once covered in bling, now blanketed in ice. Like much of the destroyed planet, the place knows only one temperature—freezing. But some things never change. The diamond in the ice desert is still a 24-hour hedonistic playground and nothing keeps the crowds away from the casino floors, never mind the rumors about sinister sorcery in its shadows.
At the heart of this city is Natasha Kestal, a young blackjack dealer looking for a way out. Like many, she's heard of a mythical land simply called “the Blue.” They say it’s a paradise, where the sun still shines and the waters are turquoise. More importantly, it’s a place where Nat won’t be persecuted, even if her darkest secret comes to light.But passage to the Blue is treacherous, if not impossible, and her only shot is to bet on a ragtag crew of mercenaries led by a cocky runner named Ryan Wesson to take her there. Danger and deceit await on every corner, even as Nat and Wes find themselves inexorably drawn to each other. But can true love survive the lies? Fiery hearts collide in this fantastic tale of the evil men do and the awesome power within us all.

I went into this book cold (get it? Frozen-cold? ha!), having heard nothing about it. I didn't know what to expect other than another dystopia, but this book wiggled it's way into my heart. I saw a not too pleasant review of this book, which made me want to post my review even more because this book was great. Maybe I'm just the only person not burned out from dystopias, but I thought this book was original and well-written. The characters were my favorite part of this book, as usual.

I think this book had some great complexities. There were paranormal aspects, which didn't even seem paranormal because the post-apocalyptic world they live in makes it seem so plausible that such things have come to exist. There's adventure, political unrest, creatures, pirates, a fascinating new world, and the dream of something better-a place called "the Blue." It all mixes together and ties in so well, that this book made for a great mental escape for me.

The reason the characters are my favorite part in this book is because it might be the first time I've ever read scenes where characters are flirting and thought, "Oh my God! Someone finally nailed it!" It's absolutely perfect. I feel like that is the exact same way I used to flirt when I was in high school. And for Melissa de la Cruz to have made me relate to a book about a frozen world completely unlike my own, bravo. It's the perfect mix of cocky and shy. Nat and Wes are so wonderful. I want to hug them both. She is selfish and brave and he is a selfless, strong leader.

What makes this book fantastic, I think, is that people suffer, die, and fail. Lovely way for me to think, right? But seriously. I'm sick of books where every escape is a little too convenient. There wasn't just action to fill pages. These characters faced challenges that forced them to change their plans and their strategy, which seemed so much more realistic, and made Wes and Nat stronger and smarter protagonists.

If you are into dystopias, definitely give this one a try. There's a lot going on, but it's all pretty great. And it's going to be a trilogy! So I'm pretty excited to see what comes next, especially after how it ended. So let's give this book tons of love because it is very deserving. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Speak Easy - Melanie Harlow

Synopsis: **Warning** This is not your grandmother’s historical romance. If you’re looking for blushing maidens or proper gentlemen who ask permission to kiss the girl, this is not the book for you.
But if you like strong female heroines who take what they want and sexy dangerous men who can’t be trusted, look no further. If sizzling sexual tension and fast-paced action against a backdrop of Prohibition-era ambience sounds like your kind of cocktail—enter here. But beware…
Temptation is everywhere. And anything goes.
By day twenty-year-old Tiny O’Mara works for her father’s smalltime bootlegging operation, but by night she craves the roll-your-stockings-down lifestyle of a flapper—until her father is kidnapped by a mobster in Detroit's exploding organized crime scene, and it’s Tiny who has to come up with the ten-thousand-dollar ransom…in one week.
Suddenly she’s thrust into an intoxicating underworld of greed, lust, lies, and betrayal.
Enzo DiFiore is the son of the mobster holding her father hostage, but his screen idol looks and dangerous charm leave her breathless. When the forbidden spark between them refuses to burn out, she tries to use their powerful chemistry to buy more time. And irritatingly handsome childhood pal Joey Lupo has the street smarts Tiny needs to make a quick ten grand, but he’s got his own agenda where gang rivalries are concerned.
Deciding whom to trust isn’t easy in a world where everyone wants something—be it booze, money, power, or sex—and no one cares what it takes to get it.

Why hasn’t new adult in the 1920s come up before? Seriously, I don’t know how much more excited I could get about an author and book I don’t know. I am seriously in the wrong decade, because the 20s are my jam. And I love New Adult. So this book is pretty much a win any way you look at it. I think there’s something a little different here, with enough drama to keep you hooked, hot moments to keep you on your toes and of course the build of a great love story.
Actually, I was a little surprised by the lack of love happening in this book (which is why I say build of a love story). I kind of figured it would follow your typical romance trajectory, just set in a different time. Nope. This one is not typical and it’s not easy. In fact, it’s so complicated right now I have no clue how Tiny is going to get herself untangled from the two guys in her life. One is dangerous and, well, pretty much the bad guy (which is something I guess that changes depending on how you look at it, but in my book, he’s kind of bad news) and then there’s the guy she’s known forever and their relationship is changing. There’s a bit of a love triangle here, but it’s not quite because the way I see it, one is just a complication. A pretty intense complication, but still not enough to make it a full-on triangle (in my book).
Tiny is a part of the bootlegging business, which catches her in the middle of two different dangerous gangs and both are demanding her loyalty. The storyline was a little standard and at times slightly unbelievable. Still, even if some parts were easy to skim and I didn’t quite buy the timeline, it did succeed at creating a complicated web around Tiny. And I did find myself really caring about what happened to her, so I’m now dying to find out what she’s going to do, because I can’t see a way out for her. So I’m hooked.
Between the speakeasies, the gangsters, the booze, the clothes and the lingo, it’s just great to journey back to the 20s with a good heroine. I’m totally invested in her story and a little in love with Joey. He was quite swoon-worthy and I’m nervous for where he’s headed, too. This is one of those books that really does seem like it’s just the beginning and I have a feeling everything is going to get so much worse, and call me crazy, but that’s a train-wreck I have to witness. I’m really looking forward to Speak Low so I can go back to the 20s and hang out with these characters again.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Heartstrings Blog Tour: Teaser + Playlist + Giveaway

 I'm really excited to share Heartstrings by Heather Gunter with you today! I have some awesome goodies, with a teaser, the awesome playlist for Heartstrings and a killer giveaway for you today, so check it all out. If you want more check out the event page on Facebook where you can find all the other tour stops.
First here's the basics:

Title: Heartstrings (Love Notes #2)
Author: Heather Gunter
Genre: YA (Romance)
Publication Date:  August 3, 2013
Cover Design:  Robin Harper, Wicked by Design
Event Organized by:  Into the Night Reviews 

Everyone thinks of me as this happy and upbeat person. What they don't know is that I carry a deep, dark secret. Something horrible happened to me a year ago, and I have kept it quiet all this time. I was fine for a while, but somehow it's chosen this time to come back, and it's eating at me--like a cancer. 

I need to tell someone about it, I just don't know how. I'm pushing everyone I love away, including my mom and my best friend Charlie. 

Then there is Will. Handsome, sweet Will. We went out on a date a while back, but then the incident happened leaving me crushed and him confused. 

How do you tell someone you care about all of your secrets, and will they still want you when the truth comes out? 

Heartstrings Playlist: 

About the Author: 
Heather is a devoted mother of three gorgeous boys. She balances as much time with them as possible with writing, updating her Into the Night Reviews book blog and her day job. Her love of animals sees her home in Canton, GA bursting with numerous dogs and ferrets.

Heather campaigns passionately for anti-bullying initiatives and has a strong conviction to reduce peoples suffering a the hands of bullies.
A talented singer, who once dreamed of pursuing a career in that field, she has put that goal aside in exchange for her writing. A self-proclaimed gee, whatever spare time she has is spent on the couch reading and listening to music. 

Find Heather Online: Blog :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Goodreads

1 x $50 Amazon Gift Card (international)
4 x signed paperbacks of Heartstrings (international)
2 x huge swag packs (US only) that will include $5 Amazon Gift Card, temporary tattoos, bookmark, guitar pic, signed postcard, bottlecap, and a signed paperback.
10 x ebooks of Heartstrings (international)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Cover Reveal: Speak Low by Melanie Harlow

I'm happy to share the cover of Speak Low by Melanie Harlow with you today! This is the second book in the Speak Easy series, a new adult story that takes place in the 1920s. There's more information and and a giveaway below, but first, the cover:

Speak Low by Melanie Harlow
(Speak Easy #2)
Publication date: November 4th, 2013
Genres: Historical, New Adult, Romance

We always want what we can’t have.

Tiny O’Mara is tired of living in a world where men make all the rules. After bootlegging enough whiskey to free her father from the DiFiore crime family, twenty-year old Tiny is determined to gain her independence.

But it’s going to cost her.

Her alliance with sultry Enzo DiFiore is based more on their explosive chemistry than loyalty or trust. But she’s promised him some information that will help him take revenge on The River Gang, and when he offers her a job, an apartment, and the prospect of nights spent together where anything goes, she can’t refuse—which only puts her further in his debt.

She needs gorgeous childhood pal Joey Lupo to help her again—when they’re not at each other’s throats, they make a good team, and her attraction for him is becoming impossible to deny. But after she rejects his offer to leave town together, he’s tempted to let her fend for herself.

As Enzo’s need for possession and power escalate and her feelings for Joey deepen, Tiny realizes her mistakes. She just hopes she gets the chance to fix them before it’s too late.
About Melanie Harlow: 
Melanie Harlow likes her martinis dry, her lipstick red, and her history with the naughty bits left in. SPEAK EASY was inspired by her cocktail-culture obsession, her affection for good gin, and the view from the end of her street. She lifts her glass to NA readers and writers from her home near Detroit, MI.

Find Melanie Online: Website :: Goodreads :: Facebook :: Twitter
Speak Easy is the first book in the series and this week it's only $0.99!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Crown of Embers - Rae Carson

Synopsis: In the sequel to the acclaimed The Girl of Fire and Thorns, a seventeen-year-old princess turned war queen faces sorcery, adventure, untold power, and romance as she fulfills her epic destiny.
Elisa is the hero of her country. She led her people to victory against a terrifying enemy, and now she is their queen. But she is only seventeen years old. Her rivals may have simply retreated, choosing stealth over battle. And no one within her court trusts her-except Hector, the commander of the royal guard, and her companions. As the country begins to crumble beneath her and her enemies emerge from the shadows, Elisa will take another journey. With a one-eyed warrior, a loyal friend, an enemy defector, and the man she is falling in love with, Elisa crosses the ocean in search of the perilous, uncharted, and mythical source of the Godstone's power. That is not all she finds. A breathtaking, romantic, and dangerous second volume in the Fire and Thorns trilogy.

Why in the world did it take me so long to pick up this book? Seriously, someone should have been hounding me every day until I read it. Girl of Fire and Thorns was one of those books that I started on a trip to see family and didn't end up actually seeing much of my family. It totally consumed me and I just wanted more. So naturally, when I had more of the story I waited almost a year to go back into this beautiful world (I know, I make perfect sense). I was a little worried I wouldn't remember the first book well enough to just jump into the second one, but it wasn't long before the memories came flooding back. This is a fantastic sequel in a series I've come to completely adore.

I'm a little obsessed with Elisa as a heroine. Thinking about where she was at the beginning of book one and where she is now is just incredibly impressive. She's managed to find a voice and even better, she's learning how to use it. She's the queen of a country in turmoil and she really has to deal with establishing her authority, figure out who to trust, learn how to keep everyone happy while still doing what needs to be done, and try not to get killed. It's a big job and she has setbacks, but we all know she can rise beautifully to the challenge. She's inspiring, because even with the advantage of the godstone, she's not a natural heroine - she rises to the task of being heroic. 
So I was totally loving on Humberto in book one, but good heavens, Hector stole my heart. Here's one of the great things about fantasies: they don't rush their romances. They go so slow it's almost painful, but it just makes every little touch, a few spoken words, an intense glance to turn you completely inside out. Hector brought all my cells to attention every time he was on the page, just waiting for him to do some small thing to make my heart pound a little faster. He's one of those strong silent types, but he's just the one reliable constant in this book and I adore him for it. 
This book had a killer ending, which to be honest, I was a little disappointed in Elisa and her strong mind to not see coming herself. However, some paths you just have to take for yourself, even if you know it's going to turn out badly and I guess I have to let Elisa do that on her own. Still this book is a slow, strong build clearly leading into a third book where things are going to get real (crazy, really fast).  This is in no way a bridge book, it's just the middle climax in an fabulous series, which is exactly what it should be. And on second thought, maybe it's good I waited so long, because the third book is out so soon and I'll just be able to know how it all turns out. Thank goodness. This series makes my skin tingle and I'm so nervous for Elisa, but I really do have faith in her (and Rae Carson) that her ending is going to be just as epic as her beginning and middle. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Escaping Me - Elizabeth Lee

Synopsis: All she wanted to do was forget. Forget the memory of walking in on her boyfriend in the middle of, well, another girl. Forget how she had her entire life planned out. And, forget about being perfect all the time. Unfortunately, she was Whitney Vandaveer and despite the fact that she moved to the middle of nowhere – she couldn't.
He always knew he would never be more than nothing. No job, no money, no future. Cole Pritchett had accepted the fact that he would always be the screw up and he was okay with it. Until he met her.
Here's the thing they quickly found out – sometimes we all need a little help escaping who we think we are.

Elizabeth Lee knows that the way to my heart is a good country boy. And she seriously writes the best country boys. It’s quite possible that Cole is my favorite so far. He’s all kinds of rough around the edges, but he’s good and strong and just…country. This book makes me nostalgic for the life I had and what my life would have been if I hadn’t moved out of the backwoods. There’s something about beer and bonfires, local dives, barns and lumber that is so – home – to me. And seriously, Elizabeth Lee seems to just get that – she captures the Midwest so well it makes me ecstatic.
Our heroine, Whitney, was just a constant surprise. Considering she’s coming from a pampered life in the city, I figured she’d be quiet and a little passive. I didn’t expect her to be making all the first moves and to actually be the one who was more explosive than Cole. She’s the kind of girl I wish I could be, because even though she seems proper and composed, she has this whole badass side of her and she goes after what she wants even when it scares her a little.
But back to Cole…anybody watch Hart of Dixie? Because Cole is totally Wade. He seems like one of those perpetual bachelor types who always sells himself short and settles for less than he deserves. His ex-girlfriend is trashy and left Cole for his brother, and really that's his experience with relationships. He's exactly the kind of guy that girls love to think they'll be the one to smooth their rough edges and prove they're worth something. Because if you're that person for him, good lord is it amazing.
Of course, the setting so alive in this book, it's wonderful. It's very clear these characters are influenced by their surroundings. Whitney definitely has some country in her that she didn't know about, because living with her mom and sister definitely brings it screaming out of her. In my experience, when you grow up in a place like this, you either leave or you stay. Which is fine, until you start forming friendships and relationships, then you're either leaving someone behind or letting someone go. This was one of the major issues that Cole and Whitney faced and I think Elizabeth Lee handled it so well. I find myself attached to books that handle storylines where two people are pulled in opposite directions and how they handle that because that's a bit of a thing that has changed my life in the past.
I love Elizabeth Lee's books, mostly because they remind me of my favorite country songs, but also because they're great stories and filled with characters I can really connect with. Escaping Me is definitely winning because Cole is in it. I love this one, you guys. I mean, Whitney's totally perfect for him, but I can be Whitney for a while, right? Anyways, if you're looking for good New Adult books, I recommend checking out this or Give Me Something or Shattered. I've loved them all and I can't wait to see what's next from Elizabeth Lee.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Gated - Amy Christine Parker

::Post by Jackie Lindert::

Synopsis: Do the gates keep the unchosen out or the chosen in?
In Mandrodage Meadows, life seems perfect. The members of this isolated suburban community have thrived under Pioneer, the charismatic leader who saved them from their sad, damaged lives. Lyla Hamilton and her parents are original members of the flock. They moved here following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, looking to escape the evil in the world. Now seventeen, Lyla knows certain facts are not to be questioned:
Pioneer is her leader.
Will is her Intended.
The end of the world is near.
Like Noah before him, Pioneer has been told of the imminent destruction of humanity. He says his chosen must arm themselves to fight off the unchosen people, who will surely seek refuge in the compound's underground fortress--the Silo. 
Lyla loves her family and friends, but given the choice, she prefers painting to target practice. And lately she'd rather think about a certain boy outside the compound than plan for married life in the Silo with Will. But with the end of days drawing near, she will have to pick up a gun, take a side, and let everyone know where she stands.

I did not know how I would feel reading a book about a cult. The topic interested me though, because I wanted to see if the author could get me to understand the thought process of those who would follow a leader like Pioneer. In that sense, this book was a success for me.

I loved that Amy Christine Parker makes you understand how somebody could put all their trust into one person to make all their life decisions, and also the types of people that such psychos prey on. Gated also does a great job at showing how connected you become with a community that has relied on each other and nobody else, and why that could make leaving the group even scarier than staying. 

I really liked Lyla from the beginning. Her lukewarm feelings about her intended, Will are sad for him, but I could totally relate (not that anyone has ever arranged my relationships!). --trust me that's not a spoiler. The feelings she gets for the "outsider" are awesome. It's the forbidden fruit, and she wants a bite! Yet, she is so dedicated to her family and her community that you can literally feel her internal struggle on how to deal with all of those emotions.

My favorite thing about this book, though, was the surprisingly intense action toward the end. There is no holding back. It is brutal, scary, dramatic, and you can see it all play out like a movie in your head while reading it. My heart was pumping through the last 4th of the book. After a few choice scenes I just had no idea how it was going to turn out. It definitely wasn't predictable. 

For some reason I'm not super crazy in love with this book. I hate to add that to the end here. It was a really great read, but I can't say it's one of my favorites. I think I'm starting to get a little pickier. I'm glad I read it, and I would totally be up for another cult-based book after tapping into that subject. I would recommend this book, but I it's not one I want to shove in everyone's hands and gush over. Good book. Not great, for me. Let me know how it makes you feel. I'm dying to get second opinions!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Book Blitz: Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert

Breaking the Reins
by Juliana Haygert
Released 08/19/13

Summary from Goodreads: Horses, mansions, tea parties, and lies are twenty-year-old Hannah Taylor’s life. To others, her family and her relationship with Eric is perfect. But she knows the truth. She lives it.

After a fire takes her grandma's life and kills her horse, Hannah's immaculate life spirals out of control. Her father disapproves of her decision to run her grandma’s ranch instead of focusing solely on learning the family business; An
imal Control brings her Argus, a mistreated horse that she can't turn away even though she's not ready for another horse; and her boyfriend, Eric Bennett, a world famous polo player, becomes possessive and authoritarian. Despite her best efforts to disguise it, Hannah grows wary of him.

Then, Leonardo Fernandes struts onto the polo scene. A cocky rookie with a messy life of his own, he’s drawn to Hannah and isn’t afraid of showing it, even when Eric makes it clear she is his and he’ll do whatever it takes to keep it that way. Hannah suffers for Eric’s jealousy. The abuse only gets worse when Leo steals the title of best polo player in the world from Eric.

But the title isn’t enough for Leo. He wants Hannah too, and she can’t deny her attraction to him either. Somehow, she must find a way to break free from abusive Eric before he breaks every bone in her body.

**New Adult Contemporary Romance Novel**

Available from:
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Praise for Breaking the Reins: 

"Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert is a real treasure. It's a sexy, heartbreaking and romantic ride you won't want to miss." - Sawyer Bennett, USA Today Bestselling Author of Off Side, Off Limits, Off the Record, and Off Course. 

"A breath of fresh air in the New Adult market. Juliana Haygert's new contemporary novel is one not to be missed!" - Magan Vernon, international bestselling author of The Only Exception

"A swoonworthy love interest and a fantastic backdrop make Breaking the Reins a New Adult read you don't want to miss!" - Alyssa Rose Ivy, bestselling author of The Crescent Chronicles, Clayton Falls Series, and The Hazards of Skinny Dipping.

I stepped toward the big French doors when I heard a shout and stopped. I looked around, trying to find the source, but didn’t see anyone. Letting my curiosity win, I descended the porch steps and followed the short stone path around a tall wall. Perhaps I shouldn’t spy, but I was concerned it could be someone who’d been riding and fell or something.

What I didn’t expect was to find Leo arguing with his father. In Portuguese.  
I should have left. I should have retreated, pretended I never saw anything, and went back inside the main house and back to my mother and her friends. 
But I caught a few words and sentences whispered in fast, harsh tones. Disappointment. Make me proud. Grow up. Work hard and stop playing. 
My curiosity piqued, making me stay glued to my spot in the corner.Me deixa em paz, tche!” Leo shouted, turning his back to his father and stalking away.I stepped back and hid behind the wall, hoping for all that was holy that he hadn’t seen me. My hopes went down the drain when he stepped around the corner three seconds later, his hard eyes on mine.  
“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I didn’t mean to.”
His jaw tightened, and he crossed his arms over his blue T-shirt. The color emphasized his bright eyes, and the fabric clung to him, especially over his stomach, where a dark blotch of sweat showed off his hard abs. His goddamn white practice pants and the sweat-damp hair didn’t help either. 
“How much did you hear?” he asked. 
I swallowed, forcing my mind to push back images of his god-like body. “Not much. But I only understood a couple of words here and there.” I shifted my weight, uncomfortable under his gaze, not only because I’d seen and heard something I wasn’t supposed to. Keep your mouth shut, Hannah. Keep your damned mouth sh… “Want to talk about it?”The shine in his eyes changed, and the tension in his neck seemed to lessen. He shook his head. “Don’t worry. It’s just the usual banter.” 
Usual? I didn’t like the sound of that. His family seemed so perfect, so warm, so close, so happy. His sister had said he rarely smiled, which seemed odd since I had seen him smiling before. I was dying to know why he and his father usually argued.Instead, I started a new subject. “I heard you’re staying.”He nodded. “It was the plan all along.” 
“Really?”Sim. Polo in Brazil isn’t that strong. Here, though, is another story.” 
“I see.” I looked from side to side. “Do you and your brothers plan on staying for … long?” I pressed my lips together, chiding myself for almost saying forever. 
“We don’t know. Perhaps, if all goes well.” He took a step closer, his eyes still on mine, making me slightly breathless. His body loomed closer, the difference in our heights and widths almost hilarious, if it wasn’t for the fact it turned me on. Crap. “I hope we do.” A shiver rolled down my spine.
About the Author: 
New Adult author and contributor at NA Alley blog. While Juliana Haygert dreams of being Wonder Woman, Buffy, or a blood elf shadow priest, she settles for the less exciting - but equally gratifying - life of a wife, mother, and author. Thousands of miles away from her former home in Brazil, she now resides in Connecticut and spends her days writing about kick-ass heroines and the heroes who drive them crazy

Author Links: 
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2-ebook copies of Breaking the Reins (INT)
1-ebook copy of Destiny Gift (INT)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blitz organized by: 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Crown of Midnight - Sarah J. Maas

Synopsis: After a year of hard labor in the Salt Mines of Endovier, eighteen-year-old assassin Celaena Sardothien has won the king's contest to become the new royal assassin. Yet Celaena is far from loyal to the crown – a secret she hides from even her most intimate confidantes.
Keeping up the deadly charade—while pretending to do the king's bidding—will test her in frightening new ways, especially when she's given a task that could jeopardize everything she's come to care for. And there are far more dangerous forces gathering on the horizon -- forces that threaten to destroy her entire world, and will surely force Celaena to make a choice. 
Where do the assassin’s loyalties lie, and who is she most willing to fight for?

I feel like I’ve been on my own journey with this series and it’s only getting more exciting.  I grew up tracking the Harry Potter series and since then I haven’t really had a way to measure my life by an on-going story. I honestly think I’ve found that in Sarah J. Maas’s incredible series. I remember first hearing about it (I had just read Girl of Fire and Thorns and needed more fantasy – someone recommended this book, of course this was the DECEMBER before its August release, so I spent the better part of a year anticipating this book), I jumped on each prequel novella as they became available before I finally got my hands on Throne of Glass and it was every bit worth the hype and anticipation.

Because I’m so enthralled with this series, snagging a copy of Crown of Midnight was my number one priority at BEA this year (let me just say that I think Sarah J. Maas is amazing and meeting her has been a highlight of my year). It was also the first book from BEA that I read. I was expecting greatness from Crown of Midnight, but actually it totally blew me away. Sarah set a high standard for herself with book one and she more than raised the bar in book two. I found out, just before I read Crown of Midnight that this is actually going to be a 7 or 8 book (I forget how many) series, and not a trilogy like I’d assumed – which made me read this book with a different mindset. Rather than seeing this as the middle, rise of the story, it really is a chapter in a saga.

The world building in these books is just so incredible. This whole kingdom seems to vibrate and come to life around this amazing heroine. I really get the sense that this world is every bit a mirror of who Celaena is – it’s strikingly beautiful, it appears to be a little dark and deadly, but at the heart it’s strong and good. Knowing Celaena is knowing her world and the way that happens effortlessly is incredible. You also get the sense that there is a lot more about this world, and about Celaena that we don't know yet - and actually may never know. 

I have to say that I love Chaol so much. So much. He's my favorite. I was never a Dorian fan, although I thought it was great that Celaena was so cavalier about having a prince wrapped around her finger. And I loved Sam (from the novellas) and I think it was great that his presence was felt much more in this book (so read the novellas if you haven't, they're worth it!). But Chaol, you guys....he's just perfect. I kind of can't believe the turn their relationship took. Celaena gave me emotional whiplash - it was amazing the way she can completely change her mind and commit to it so quickly. 

This series continues to make me completely happy even as it is tearing me apart. I keep falling in love with these characters and even when they're breaking my heart I still root for them. I've just completely put my imagination and my emotions in the hands of Sarah J. Mass and I totally trust her. After that killer of an ending, this book could seriously go anywhere and I'm so excited to find out what's next. From that time I first heard about Throne of Glass until I finished Crown of Midnight , I can point at the way my life has changed and I can’t wait to see where I am when I read the last book in this series because I know I will not only be completely different, but I know it’s going to be worth reading until the last word.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cover Reveal + Giveaway: Trust in Me by J. Lynn

I'm so excited to be a part of the cover reveal for Trust in Me, J. Lynn's new novella coming out on October 22! Check below for more information on the book and enter the amazing giveaway! But first - the cover!

Awesome, right?!
About Trust in Me
It’s Wait for You as you’ve never seen it. Trust in Me lets you in on Cam’s side of the #1 New York Times Bestselling story.

Cameron Hamilton is used to getting what he wants, especially when it comes to women. But when Avery Morgansten comes crashing into his life – literally – he finally meets the one person who can resist his soulful baby blues. But Cam’s not ready to give up. He can’t get the feisty and intriguing girl out of his head.

Avery has secrets, secrets that keep her from admitting the feelings Cam knows she has for him. Will persistence (and some delicious homemade cookies) help him break down her barriers and gain her trust? Or will he be shut out of Avery's life, losing his first real shot at the kind of love that lasts forever?
Pre-order Trust in Me
Image Map

Saturday, August 31, 2013

August Top 5

Summer is over. At least in the publishing world we've had our last summer Friday and tomororw is September. Usually August is a sad reading month for me, because it's generally a moving month. But I'm still in New York and I have no plans to move out of here anytime soon (except to a new apartment at the end of September, which I'm so excited about!). So this August has actually been an awesome month for reading and looking back...wowza. I feel like I've read some heavy hitters lately. Although I think it just feels important when you read a book that you know will be a favorite for the rest of your life. So let's start with that book on my August top five.

1. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
I've already written a crazy long post about my love for this book. So all I'm going to say here is - this one has joined the ranks of my favorite books of all time. It's perfection. You can read all about how much I love it here

2. A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers
Still sorting through the craziness that happened in this book. I'm thinking this is a story that has a lot of things that probably shouldn't work, but Lisa Desrochers totally pulls it off. It's spectacular. This is definitely a great new adult novel that I highly recommend. 

3. Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert
Some moments of this book are hard to read, as there are some intense incidents of domestic abuse. Still, you have to admire how Juliana doesn't hold back and gives you every high emotional point of this amazing story. Plus, there's a hot Brazilian polo player to the rescue. This is another great NA novel to definitely put on your TBRs.

4. Fire with Fire by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian
Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivan win for epic last lines. This is an awesome sequel that left my mind blown. If you haven't started this series, I highly recommend it. You can read my full review here

5.  Crown of Embers by Rae Carson
This is another epic sequel that I read this month. I know it came out about a year ago and I can hardly believe it took me this long to get to it. But now I can move right on to The Bitter Kingdom. So it all works out. This is one of my favorite YA fantasy series that just keeps getting better as the words keep coming. Also - Hector is totally dreamy. Check out my review here

What were your top reads this month?

Friday, August 30, 2013

Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell

Synopsis: Cath is a Simon Snow fan.
Okay, the whole world is a Simon Snow fan . . .
But for Cath, being a fan is her life — and she’s really good at it. She and her twin sister, Wren, ensconced themselves in the Simon Snow series when they were just kids; it’s what got them through their mother leaving.
Reading. Rereading. Hanging out in Simon Snow forums, writing Simon Snow fan fiction, dressing up like the characters for every movie premiere.
Cath’s sister has mostly grown away from fandom, but Cath can’t let go. She doesn’t want to.
Now that they’re going to college, Wren has told Cath she doesn’t want to be roommates. Cath is on her own, completely outside of her comfort zone. She’s got a surly roommate with a charming, always-around boyfriend, a fiction-writing professor who thinks fan fiction is the end of the civilized world, a handsome classmate who only wants to talk about words . . . And she can’t stop worrying about her dad, who’s loving and fragile and has never really been alone.
For Cath, the question is: Can she do this?
Can she make it without Wren holding her hand? Is she ready to start living her own life? Writing her own stories?
And does she even want to move on if it means leaving Simon Snow behind?


This book is so perfect I cried. Literally. Sob crying. In public. Because it just radiates awesome.
I’ve built my life with books, with words and stories. I’m built of fabulous books that I’ll never remember, there are bad ones I can’t forget, there are books that were so mundane I hardly know if I read them or not. But there are some books, like Fangirl, that just remind me why I’ve chosen to sculpt my identity through the stories of others.  Cath is a character I want to fold into myself, along with the handful of characters in my reading history that I’ll forever carry with me. Fangirl almost acts as a best friend I didn’t know I couldn’t live without until she came along.
In Eleanor and Park, Rainbow Rowell played on the nostalgia of first love and life with cassette tapes. In Fangirl, I was nostalgic for entirely different reasons. The way I read Fangirl reminded me of the way I read first book I can remember loving. I got a copy and immediately avoided as much social interaction as much as possible, took a longer lunch, hoped for longer commute time, begged exhaustion to go home, then stayed up way too late all to keep reading this book.  And of course it played on my own fangirl nostalgia. When my mom came home with a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone because she heard it was big in England and she read a chapter out loud to my brother and I, my whole life changed. I’d be a totally different person now if I hadn’t grown up with Harry. So while I’ve never written or really read much fan fiction, I completely know what it’s like to be so entwined with a fantasy world it because easier to live there than face the real world.
Cath is a perfectly and beautifully crafted character. Her quirks made her vibrant and her awkwardness was completely endearing. Nothing about her felt forced or made up. She’s so real, she could have been me. Cath has some issues with trying new things and I totally relate to the anxiety of being the only one who doesn’t really know what’s going on. I get what it’s like to prefer staying in and writing (or reading) over venturing out and meeting people. But Cath grows so much and overcomes the things that hold her back. She still manages to be herself – she just becomes a more awesome version of herself.
Since Cath doesn’t venture out often, the people in her life are the ones she happens to be thrown with – her twin sister (who has some issues of her own), her dad (who seems to spend a lot of time off his rocker), her roommate (a great girl with a sharp edge), her writing teacher (sigh, wish my writing teachers had been so understanding about deadlines), and Nick (ok, how awesome does it sound to have a hot dude who wants to write stories with you??). Then there’s Levi, her roommate’s high school boyfriend. The way he and Cath fall for each other is just so slow and sweet and beautiful. They’re awkward and endearing and, can I use the word perfect again? They’re perfect. He shows up even when he doesn’t have to and he lets Cath be who she is – he comes into her world and she lets him.
Which brings me to my crying episode. There is nothing sad in this book – at least not enough to actually warrant tears. But somehow this book got me anyway. I was reading on the train and I was reading the most perfect scene (if you really want to know which one it is, I’ll tell you, but I’m not going to spoil things here) and the whole book just seemed to build to this moment and I started sobbing. With actual chest heaving and fat tears on a relatively crowded subway car. And I didn’t even care. This book deserves my tears, my heart, and anything else I can possibly give back to it.
This book is a tribute to anyone who’s ever loved something, really. We all know what it’s like to throw your life into something and I think the wonderful thing that comes from Cath is the empowerment to own that and to not let anyone ever, ever make you feel like it doesn’t matter. If you stay true to what you love, the right people will still be there for you and your life is going to work out the way it’s supposed to – the way that makes you happy. That’s not to say you don’t have to grow and you can just stay in your room all the time – you should definitely go outside your comfort zone and experience new things – but, it’s okay to own who you are.
Fangirl is an instant all-time favorite for me. I know I’ll be reading this book again and will cherish it for years to come. Well done, Rainbow. If a book can be perfect, it’s this one.

Cover Reveal: Forty Nights by Stephanie Parent

Forty Nights (Neima's Ark #2)
Release Date: September 2013
Cover Designed by: 
Najla Qamber Designs

Summary from Goodreads:
Neima, her family, and her grandfather Noah have found themselves trapped aboard an ark as a great flood destroys all life in the world. As their time aboard the ark lengthens, food begins to run out, wild animals grow restless, and family tensions become as much of a threat as the flood outside. In the second and final installment of Neima’s Ark, the stakes are higher, the conflicts are greater, and Neima finds herself facing a choice as impossible as the destruction all around her.

Forty Nights is a continuation of the story begun in Forty Days, and it’s recommended that you read Forty Days first for the best experience. Forty Nights does, however, contain a character guide to refresh readers’ memories. The Neima’s Ark series is a historical, feminist reimagining of the story of Noah’s Ark rather than a religiously oriented one, and the novels are best suited for readers who are comfortable with new interpretations of biblical stories.

Book One:
(Linked to Goodreads)
Forty Days is currently FREE!  Get your copy!
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About the Author
Stephanie Parent is a graduate of the Master of Professional Writing program at USC and attended the Baltimore School for the Arts as a piano major. She moved to Los Angeles because of Francesca Lia Block's WEETZIE BAT books, which might give you some idea of how much books mean to her. She also loves dogs, books about dogs, and sugary coffee drinks both hot and cold.
***Author Links***
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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Frozen - Melissa de la Cruz & Michael Johnston

::Post by Jackie Lindert::

Synopsis: Welcome to New Vegas, a city once covered in bling, now blanketed in ice. Like much of the destroyed planet, the place knows only one temperature—freezing. But some things never change. The diamond in the ice desert is still a 24-hour hedonistic playground and nothing keeps the crowds away from the casino floors, never mind the rumors about sinister sorcery in its shadows.
At the heart of this city is Natasha Kestal, a young blackjack dealer looking for a way out. Like many, she's heard of a mythical land simply called “the Blue.” They say it’s a paradise, where the sun still shines and the waters are turquoise. More importantly, it’s a place where Nat won’t be persecuted, even if her darkest secret comes to light.But passage to the Blue is treacherous, if not impossible, and her only shot is to bet on a ragtag crew of mercenaries led by a cocky runner named Ryan Wesson to take her there. Danger and deceit await on every corner, even as Nat and Wes find themselves inexorably drawn to each other. But can true love survive the lies? Fiery hearts collide in this fantastic tale of the evil men do and the awesome power within us all.

I went into this book cold (get it? Frozen-cold? ha!), having heard nothing about it. I didn't know what to expect other than another dystopia, but this book wiggled it's way into my heart. I saw a not too pleasant review of this book, which made me want to post my review even more because this book was great. Maybe I'm just the only person not burned out from dystopias, but I thought this book was original and well-written. The characters were my favorite part of this book, as usual.

I think this book had some great complexities. There were paranormal aspects, which didn't even seem paranormal because the post-apocalyptic world they live in makes it seem so plausible that such things have come to exist. There's adventure, political unrest, creatures, pirates, a fascinating new world, and the dream of something better-a place called "the Blue." It all mixes together and ties in so well, that this book made for a great mental escape for me.

The reason the characters are my favorite part in this book is because it might be the first time I've ever read scenes where characters are flirting and thought, "Oh my God! Someone finally nailed it!" It's absolutely perfect. I feel like that is the exact same way I used to flirt when I was in high school. And for Melissa de la Cruz to have made me relate to a book about a frozen world completely unlike my own, bravo. It's the perfect mix of cocky and shy. Nat and Wes are so wonderful. I want to hug them both. She is selfish and brave and he is a selfless, strong leader.

What makes this book fantastic, I think, is that people suffer, die, and fail. Lovely way for me to think, right? But seriously. I'm sick of books where every escape is a little too convenient. There wasn't just action to fill pages. These characters faced challenges that forced them to change their plans and their strategy, which seemed so much more realistic, and made Wes and Nat stronger and smarter protagonists.

If you are into dystopias, definitely give this one a try. There's a lot going on, but it's all pretty great. And it's going to be a trilogy! So I'm pretty excited to see what comes next, especially after how it ended. So let's give this book tons of love because it is very deserving. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Speak Easy - Melanie Harlow

Synopsis: **Warning** This is not your grandmother’s historical romance. If you’re looking for blushing maidens or proper gentlemen who ask permission to kiss the girl, this is not the book for you.
But if you like strong female heroines who take what they want and sexy dangerous men who can’t be trusted, look no further. If sizzling sexual tension and fast-paced action against a backdrop of Prohibition-era ambience sounds like your kind of cocktail—enter here. But beware…
Temptation is everywhere. And anything goes.
By day twenty-year-old Tiny O’Mara works for her father’s smalltime bootlegging operation, but by night she craves the roll-your-stockings-down lifestyle of a flapper—until her father is kidnapped by a mobster in Detroit's exploding organized crime scene, and it’s Tiny who has to come up with the ten-thousand-dollar ransom…in one week.
Suddenly she’s thrust into an intoxicating underworld of greed, lust, lies, and betrayal.
Enzo DiFiore is the son of the mobster holding her father hostage, but his screen idol looks and dangerous charm leave her breathless. When the forbidden spark between them refuses to burn out, she tries to use their powerful chemistry to buy more time. And irritatingly handsome childhood pal Joey Lupo has the street smarts Tiny needs to make a quick ten grand, but he’s got his own agenda where gang rivalries are concerned.
Deciding whom to trust isn’t easy in a world where everyone wants something—be it booze, money, power, or sex—and no one cares what it takes to get it.

Why hasn’t new adult in the 1920s come up before? Seriously, I don’t know how much more excited I could get about an author and book I don’t know. I am seriously in the wrong decade, because the 20s are my jam. And I love New Adult. So this book is pretty much a win any way you look at it. I think there’s something a little different here, with enough drama to keep you hooked, hot moments to keep you on your toes and of course the build of a great love story.
Actually, I was a little surprised by the lack of love happening in this book (which is why I say build of a love story). I kind of figured it would follow your typical romance trajectory, just set in a different time. Nope. This one is not typical and it’s not easy. In fact, it’s so complicated right now I have no clue how Tiny is going to get herself untangled from the two guys in her life. One is dangerous and, well, pretty much the bad guy (which is something I guess that changes depending on how you look at it, but in my book, he’s kind of bad news) and then there’s the guy she’s known forever and their relationship is changing. There’s a bit of a love triangle here, but it’s not quite because the way I see it, one is just a complication. A pretty intense complication, but still not enough to make it a full-on triangle (in my book).
Tiny is a part of the bootlegging business, which catches her in the middle of two different dangerous gangs and both are demanding her loyalty. The storyline was a little standard and at times slightly unbelievable. Still, even if some parts were easy to skim and I didn’t quite buy the timeline, it did succeed at creating a complicated web around Tiny. And I did find myself really caring about what happened to her, so I’m now dying to find out what she’s going to do, because I can’t see a way out for her. So I’m hooked.
Between the speakeasies, the gangsters, the booze, the clothes and the lingo, it’s just great to journey back to the 20s with a good heroine. I’m totally invested in her story and a little in love with Joey. He was quite swoon-worthy and I’m nervous for where he’s headed, too. This is one of those books that really does seem like it’s just the beginning and I have a feeling everything is going to get so much worse, and call me crazy, but that’s a train-wreck I have to witness. I’m really looking forward to Speak Low so I can go back to the 20s and hang out with these characters again.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Heartstrings Blog Tour: Teaser + Playlist + Giveaway

 I'm really excited to share Heartstrings by Heather Gunter with you today! I have some awesome goodies, with a teaser, the awesome playlist for Heartstrings and a killer giveaway for you today, so check it all out. If you want more check out the event page on Facebook where you can find all the other tour stops.
First here's the basics:

Title: Heartstrings (Love Notes #2)
Author: Heather Gunter
Genre: YA (Romance)
Publication Date:  August 3, 2013
Cover Design:  Robin Harper, Wicked by Design
Event Organized by:  Into the Night Reviews 

Everyone thinks of me as this happy and upbeat person. What they don't know is that I carry a deep, dark secret. Something horrible happened to me a year ago, and I have kept it quiet all this time. I was fine for a while, but somehow it's chosen this time to come back, and it's eating at me--like a cancer. 

I need to tell someone about it, I just don't know how. I'm pushing everyone I love away, including my mom and my best friend Charlie. 

Then there is Will. Handsome, sweet Will. We went out on a date a while back, but then the incident happened leaving me crushed and him confused. 

How do you tell someone you care about all of your secrets, and will they still want you when the truth comes out? 

Heartstrings Playlist: 

About the Author: 
Heather is a devoted mother of three gorgeous boys. She balances as much time with them as possible with writing, updating her Into the Night Reviews book blog and her day job. Her love of animals sees her home in Canton, GA bursting with numerous dogs and ferrets.

Heather campaigns passionately for anti-bullying initiatives and has a strong conviction to reduce peoples suffering a the hands of bullies.
A talented singer, who once dreamed of pursuing a career in that field, she has put that goal aside in exchange for her writing. A self-proclaimed gee, whatever spare time she has is spent on the couch reading and listening to music. 

Find Heather Online: Blog :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Goodreads

1 x $50 Amazon Gift Card (international)
4 x signed paperbacks of Heartstrings (international)
2 x huge swag packs (US only) that will include $5 Amazon Gift Card, temporary tattoos, bookmark, guitar pic, signed postcard, bottlecap, and a signed paperback.
10 x ebooks of Heartstrings (international)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Cover Reveal: Speak Low by Melanie Harlow

I'm happy to share the cover of Speak Low by Melanie Harlow with you today! This is the second book in the Speak Easy series, a new adult story that takes place in the 1920s. There's more information and and a giveaway below, but first, the cover:

Speak Low by Melanie Harlow
(Speak Easy #2)
Publication date: November 4th, 2013
Genres: Historical, New Adult, Romance

We always want what we can’t have.

Tiny O’Mara is tired of living in a world where men make all the rules. After bootlegging enough whiskey to free her father from the DiFiore crime family, twenty-year old Tiny is determined to gain her independence.

But it’s going to cost her.

Her alliance with sultry Enzo DiFiore is based more on their explosive chemistry than loyalty or trust. But she’s promised him some information that will help him take revenge on The River Gang, and when he offers her a job, an apartment, and the prospect of nights spent together where anything goes, she can’t refuse—which only puts her further in his debt.

She needs gorgeous childhood pal Joey Lupo to help her again—when they’re not at each other’s throats, they make a good team, and her attraction for him is becoming impossible to deny. But after she rejects his offer to leave town together, he’s tempted to let her fend for herself.

As Enzo’s need for possession and power escalate and her feelings for Joey deepen, Tiny realizes her mistakes. She just hopes she gets the chance to fix them before it’s too late.
About Melanie Harlow: 
Melanie Harlow likes her martinis dry, her lipstick red, and her history with the naughty bits left in. SPEAK EASY was inspired by her cocktail-culture obsession, her affection for good gin, and the view from the end of her street. She lifts her glass to NA readers and writers from her home near Detroit, MI.

Find Melanie Online: Website :: Goodreads :: Facebook :: Twitter
Speak Easy is the first book in the series and this week it's only $0.99!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Crown of Embers - Rae Carson

Synopsis: In the sequel to the acclaimed The Girl of Fire and Thorns, a seventeen-year-old princess turned war queen faces sorcery, adventure, untold power, and romance as she fulfills her epic destiny.
Elisa is the hero of her country. She led her people to victory against a terrifying enemy, and now she is their queen. But she is only seventeen years old. Her rivals may have simply retreated, choosing stealth over battle. And no one within her court trusts her-except Hector, the commander of the royal guard, and her companions. As the country begins to crumble beneath her and her enemies emerge from the shadows, Elisa will take another journey. With a one-eyed warrior, a loyal friend, an enemy defector, and the man she is falling in love with, Elisa crosses the ocean in search of the perilous, uncharted, and mythical source of the Godstone's power. That is not all she finds. A breathtaking, romantic, and dangerous second volume in the Fire and Thorns trilogy.

Why in the world did it take me so long to pick up this book? Seriously, someone should have been hounding me every day until I read it. Girl of Fire and Thorns was one of those books that I started on a trip to see family and didn't end up actually seeing much of my family. It totally consumed me and I just wanted more. So naturally, when I had more of the story I waited almost a year to go back into this beautiful world (I know, I make perfect sense). I was a little worried I wouldn't remember the first book well enough to just jump into the second one, but it wasn't long before the memories came flooding back. This is a fantastic sequel in a series I've come to completely adore.

I'm a little obsessed with Elisa as a heroine. Thinking about where she was at the beginning of book one and where she is now is just incredibly impressive. She's managed to find a voice and even better, she's learning how to use it. She's the queen of a country in turmoil and she really has to deal with establishing her authority, figure out who to trust, learn how to keep everyone happy while still doing what needs to be done, and try not to get killed. It's a big job and she has setbacks, but we all know she can rise beautifully to the challenge. She's inspiring, because even with the advantage of the godstone, she's not a natural heroine - she rises to the task of being heroic. 
So I was totally loving on Humberto in book one, but good heavens, Hector stole my heart. Here's one of the great things about fantasies: they don't rush their romances. They go so slow it's almost painful, but it just makes every little touch, a few spoken words, an intense glance to turn you completely inside out. Hector brought all my cells to attention every time he was on the page, just waiting for him to do some small thing to make my heart pound a little faster. He's one of those strong silent types, but he's just the one reliable constant in this book and I adore him for it. 
This book had a killer ending, which to be honest, I was a little disappointed in Elisa and her strong mind to not see coming herself. However, some paths you just have to take for yourself, even if you know it's going to turn out badly and I guess I have to let Elisa do that on her own. Still this book is a slow, strong build clearly leading into a third book where things are going to get real (crazy, really fast).  This is in no way a bridge book, it's just the middle climax in an fabulous series, which is exactly what it should be. And on second thought, maybe it's good I waited so long, because the third book is out so soon and I'll just be able to know how it all turns out. Thank goodness. This series makes my skin tingle and I'm so nervous for Elisa, but I really do have faith in her (and Rae Carson) that her ending is going to be just as epic as her beginning and middle. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Escaping Me - Elizabeth Lee

Synopsis: All she wanted to do was forget. Forget the memory of walking in on her boyfriend in the middle of, well, another girl. Forget how she had her entire life planned out. And, forget about being perfect all the time. Unfortunately, she was Whitney Vandaveer and despite the fact that she moved to the middle of nowhere – she couldn't.
He always knew he would never be more than nothing. No job, no money, no future. Cole Pritchett had accepted the fact that he would always be the screw up and he was okay with it. Until he met her.
Here's the thing they quickly found out – sometimes we all need a little help escaping who we think we are.

Elizabeth Lee knows that the way to my heart is a good country boy. And she seriously writes the best country boys. It’s quite possible that Cole is my favorite so far. He’s all kinds of rough around the edges, but he’s good and strong and just…country. This book makes me nostalgic for the life I had and what my life would have been if I hadn’t moved out of the backwoods. There’s something about beer and bonfires, local dives, barns and lumber that is so – home – to me. And seriously, Elizabeth Lee seems to just get that – she captures the Midwest so well it makes me ecstatic.
Our heroine, Whitney, was just a constant surprise. Considering she’s coming from a pampered life in the city, I figured she’d be quiet and a little passive. I didn’t expect her to be making all the first moves and to actually be the one who was more explosive than Cole. She’s the kind of girl I wish I could be, because even though she seems proper and composed, she has this whole badass side of her and she goes after what she wants even when it scares her a little.
But back to Cole…anybody watch Hart of Dixie? Because Cole is totally Wade. He seems like one of those perpetual bachelor types who always sells himself short and settles for less than he deserves. His ex-girlfriend is trashy and left Cole for his brother, and really that's his experience with relationships. He's exactly the kind of guy that girls love to think they'll be the one to smooth their rough edges and prove they're worth something. Because if you're that person for him, good lord is it amazing.
Of course, the setting so alive in this book, it's wonderful. It's very clear these characters are influenced by their surroundings. Whitney definitely has some country in her that she didn't know about, because living with her mom and sister definitely brings it screaming out of her. In my experience, when you grow up in a place like this, you either leave or you stay. Which is fine, until you start forming friendships and relationships, then you're either leaving someone behind or letting someone go. This was one of the major issues that Cole and Whitney faced and I think Elizabeth Lee handled it so well. I find myself attached to books that handle storylines where two people are pulled in opposite directions and how they handle that because that's a bit of a thing that has changed my life in the past.
I love Elizabeth Lee's books, mostly because they remind me of my favorite country songs, but also because they're great stories and filled with characters I can really connect with. Escaping Me is definitely winning because Cole is in it. I love this one, you guys. I mean, Whitney's totally perfect for him, but I can be Whitney for a while, right? Anyways, if you're looking for good New Adult books, I recommend checking out this or Give Me Something or Shattered. I've loved them all and I can't wait to see what's next from Elizabeth Lee.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Gated - Amy Christine Parker

::Post by Jackie Lindert::

Synopsis: Do the gates keep the unchosen out or the chosen in?
In Mandrodage Meadows, life seems perfect. The members of this isolated suburban community have thrived under Pioneer, the charismatic leader who saved them from their sad, damaged lives. Lyla Hamilton and her parents are original members of the flock. They moved here following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, looking to escape the evil in the world. Now seventeen, Lyla knows certain facts are not to be questioned:
Pioneer is her leader.
Will is her Intended.
The end of the world is near.
Like Noah before him, Pioneer has been told of the imminent destruction of humanity. He says his chosen must arm themselves to fight off the unchosen people, who will surely seek refuge in the compound's underground fortress--the Silo. 
Lyla loves her family and friends, but given the choice, she prefers painting to target practice. And lately she'd rather think about a certain boy outside the compound than plan for married life in the Silo with Will. But with the end of days drawing near, she will have to pick up a gun, take a side, and let everyone know where she stands.

I did not know how I would feel reading a book about a cult. The topic interested me though, because I wanted to see if the author could get me to understand the thought process of those who would follow a leader like Pioneer. In that sense, this book was a success for me.

I loved that Amy Christine Parker makes you understand how somebody could put all their trust into one person to make all their life decisions, and also the types of people that such psychos prey on. Gated also does a great job at showing how connected you become with a community that has relied on each other and nobody else, and why that could make leaving the group even scarier than staying. 

I really liked Lyla from the beginning. Her lukewarm feelings about her intended, Will are sad for him, but I could totally relate (not that anyone has ever arranged my relationships!). --trust me that's not a spoiler. The feelings she gets for the "outsider" are awesome. It's the forbidden fruit, and she wants a bite! Yet, she is so dedicated to her family and her community that you can literally feel her internal struggle on how to deal with all of those emotions.

My favorite thing about this book, though, was the surprisingly intense action toward the end. There is no holding back. It is brutal, scary, dramatic, and you can see it all play out like a movie in your head while reading it. My heart was pumping through the last 4th of the book. After a few choice scenes I just had no idea how it was going to turn out. It definitely wasn't predictable. 

For some reason I'm not super crazy in love with this book. I hate to add that to the end here. It was a really great read, but I can't say it's one of my favorites. I think I'm starting to get a little pickier. I'm glad I read it, and I would totally be up for another cult-based book after tapping into that subject. I would recommend this book, but I it's not one I want to shove in everyone's hands and gush over. Good book. Not great, for me. Let me know how it makes you feel. I'm dying to get second opinions!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Book Blitz: Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert

Breaking the Reins
by Juliana Haygert
Released 08/19/13

Summary from Goodreads: Horses, mansions, tea parties, and lies are twenty-year-old Hannah Taylor’s life. To others, her family and her relationship with Eric is perfect. But she knows the truth. She lives it.

After a fire takes her grandma's life and kills her horse, Hannah's immaculate life spirals out of control. Her father disapproves of her decision to run her grandma’s ranch instead of focusing solely on learning the family business; An
imal Control brings her Argus, a mistreated horse that she can't turn away even though she's not ready for another horse; and her boyfriend, Eric Bennett, a world famous polo player, becomes possessive and authoritarian. Despite her best efforts to disguise it, Hannah grows wary of him.

Then, Leonardo Fernandes struts onto the polo scene. A cocky rookie with a messy life of his own, he’s drawn to Hannah and isn’t afraid of showing it, even when Eric makes it clear she is his and he’ll do whatever it takes to keep it that way. Hannah suffers for Eric’s jealousy. The abuse only gets worse when Leo steals the title of best polo player in the world from Eric.

But the title isn’t enough for Leo. He wants Hannah too, and she can’t deny her attraction to him either. Somehow, she must find a way to break free from abusive Eric before he breaks every bone in her body.

**New Adult Contemporary Romance Novel**

Available from:
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Praise for Breaking the Reins: 

"Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert is a real treasure. It's a sexy, heartbreaking and romantic ride you won't want to miss." - Sawyer Bennett, USA Today Bestselling Author of Off Side, Off Limits, Off the Record, and Off Course. 

"A breath of fresh air in the New Adult market. Juliana Haygert's new contemporary novel is one not to be missed!" - Magan Vernon, international bestselling author of The Only Exception

"A swoonworthy love interest and a fantastic backdrop make Breaking the Reins a New Adult read you don't want to miss!" - Alyssa Rose Ivy, bestselling author of The Crescent Chronicles, Clayton Falls Series, and The Hazards of Skinny Dipping.

I stepped toward the big French doors when I heard a shout and stopped. I looked around, trying to find the source, but didn’t see anyone. Letting my curiosity win, I descended the porch steps and followed the short stone path around a tall wall. Perhaps I shouldn’t spy, but I was concerned it could be someone who’d been riding and fell or something.

What I didn’t expect was to find Leo arguing with his father. In Portuguese.  
I should have left. I should have retreated, pretended I never saw anything, and went back inside the main house and back to my mother and her friends. 
But I caught a few words and sentences whispered in fast, harsh tones. Disappointment. Make me proud. Grow up. Work hard and stop playing. 
My curiosity piqued, making me stay glued to my spot in the corner.Me deixa em paz, tche!” Leo shouted, turning his back to his father and stalking away.I stepped back and hid behind the wall, hoping for all that was holy that he hadn’t seen me. My hopes went down the drain when he stepped around the corner three seconds later, his hard eyes on mine.  
“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I didn’t mean to.”
His jaw tightened, and he crossed his arms over his blue T-shirt. The color emphasized his bright eyes, and the fabric clung to him, especially over his stomach, where a dark blotch of sweat showed off his hard abs. His goddamn white practice pants and the sweat-damp hair didn’t help either. 
“How much did you hear?” he asked. 
I swallowed, forcing my mind to push back images of his god-like body. “Not much. But I only understood a couple of words here and there.” I shifted my weight, uncomfortable under his gaze, not only because I’d seen and heard something I wasn’t supposed to. Keep your mouth shut, Hannah. Keep your damned mouth sh… “Want to talk about it?”The shine in his eyes changed, and the tension in his neck seemed to lessen. He shook his head. “Don’t worry. It’s just the usual banter.” 
Usual? I didn’t like the sound of that. His family seemed so perfect, so warm, so close, so happy. His sister had said he rarely smiled, which seemed odd since I had seen him smiling before. I was dying to know why he and his father usually argued.Instead, I started a new subject. “I heard you’re staying.”He nodded. “It was the plan all along.” 
“Really?”Sim. Polo in Brazil isn’t that strong. Here, though, is another story.” 
“I see.” I looked from side to side. “Do you and your brothers plan on staying for … long?” I pressed my lips together, chiding myself for almost saying forever. 
“We don’t know. Perhaps, if all goes well.” He took a step closer, his eyes still on mine, making me slightly breathless. His body loomed closer, the difference in our heights and widths almost hilarious, if it wasn’t for the fact it turned me on. Crap. “I hope we do.” A shiver rolled down my spine.
About the Author: 
New Adult author and contributor at NA Alley blog. While Juliana Haygert dreams of being Wonder Woman, Buffy, or a blood elf shadow priest, she settles for the less exciting - but equally gratifying - life of a wife, mother, and author. Thousands of miles away from her former home in Brazil, she now resides in Connecticut and spends her days writing about kick-ass heroines and the heroes who drive them crazy

Author Links: 
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2-ebook copies of Breaking the Reins (INT)
1-ebook copy of Destiny Gift (INT)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blitz organized by: 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Crown of Midnight - Sarah J. Maas

Synopsis: After a year of hard labor in the Salt Mines of Endovier, eighteen-year-old assassin Celaena Sardothien has won the king's contest to become the new royal assassin. Yet Celaena is far from loyal to the crown – a secret she hides from even her most intimate confidantes.
Keeping up the deadly charade—while pretending to do the king's bidding—will test her in frightening new ways, especially when she's given a task that could jeopardize everything she's come to care for. And there are far more dangerous forces gathering on the horizon -- forces that threaten to destroy her entire world, and will surely force Celaena to make a choice. 
Where do the assassin’s loyalties lie, and who is she most willing to fight for?

I feel like I’ve been on my own journey with this series and it’s only getting more exciting.  I grew up tracking the Harry Potter series and since then I haven’t really had a way to measure my life by an on-going story. I honestly think I’ve found that in Sarah J. Maas’s incredible series. I remember first hearing about it (I had just read Girl of Fire and Thorns and needed more fantasy – someone recommended this book, of course this was the DECEMBER before its August release, so I spent the better part of a year anticipating this book), I jumped on each prequel novella as they became available before I finally got my hands on Throne of Glass and it was every bit worth the hype and anticipation.

Because I’m so enthralled with this series, snagging a copy of Crown of Midnight was my number one priority at BEA this year (let me just say that I think Sarah J. Maas is amazing and meeting her has been a highlight of my year). It was also the first book from BEA that I read. I was expecting greatness from Crown of Midnight, but actually it totally blew me away. Sarah set a high standard for herself with book one and she more than raised the bar in book two. I found out, just before I read Crown of Midnight that this is actually going to be a 7 or 8 book (I forget how many) series, and not a trilogy like I’d assumed – which made me read this book with a different mindset. Rather than seeing this as the middle, rise of the story, it really is a chapter in a saga.

The world building in these books is just so incredible. This whole kingdom seems to vibrate and come to life around this amazing heroine. I really get the sense that this world is every bit a mirror of who Celaena is – it’s strikingly beautiful, it appears to be a little dark and deadly, but at the heart it’s strong and good. Knowing Celaena is knowing her world and the way that happens effortlessly is incredible. You also get the sense that there is a lot more about this world, and about Celaena that we don't know yet - and actually may never know. 

I have to say that I love Chaol so much. So much. He's my favorite. I was never a Dorian fan, although I thought it was great that Celaena was so cavalier about having a prince wrapped around her finger. And I loved Sam (from the novellas) and I think it was great that his presence was felt much more in this book (so read the novellas if you haven't, they're worth it!). But Chaol, you guys....he's just perfect. I kind of can't believe the turn their relationship took. Celaena gave me emotional whiplash - it was amazing the way she can completely change her mind and commit to it so quickly. 

This series continues to make me completely happy even as it is tearing me apart. I keep falling in love with these characters and even when they're breaking my heart I still root for them. I've just completely put my imagination and my emotions in the hands of Sarah J. Mass and I totally trust her. After that killer of an ending, this book could seriously go anywhere and I'm so excited to find out what's next. From that time I first heard about Throne of Glass until I finished Crown of Midnight , I can point at the way my life has changed and I can’t wait to see where I am when I read the last book in this series because I know I will not only be completely different, but I know it’s going to be worth reading until the last word.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cover Reveal + Giveaway: Trust in Me by J. Lynn

I'm so excited to be a part of the cover reveal for Trust in Me, J. Lynn's new novella coming out on October 22! Check below for more information on the book and enter the amazing giveaway! But first - the cover!

Awesome, right?!
About Trust in Me
It’s Wait for You as you’ve never seen it. Trust in Me lets you in on Cam’s side of the #1 New York Times Bestselling story.

Cameron Hamilton is used to getting what he wants, especially when it comes to women. But when Avery Morgansten comes crashing into his life – literally – he finally meets the one person who can resist his soulful baby blues. But Cam’s not ready to give up. He can’t get the feisty and intriguing girl out of his head.

Avery has secrets, secrets that keep her from admitting the feelings Cam knows she has for him. Will persistence (and some delicious homemade cookies) help him break down her barriers and gain her trust? Or will he be shut out of Avery's life, losing his first real shot at the kind of love that lasts forever?
Pre-order Trust in Me
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